My Thoughts on The Growth Mindset

I found the Growth Mindset videos very interesting. I hadn't heard of that exact concept nor the presenter before, but it was enjoyable to listen to. I know that I definitely was in the fixed intelligence mindset for most of my life. It wasn't until I got to college that I started changing my thought processes to what I would consider a Growth Mindset.

I used to be terrified of failing and because of that I stopped myself from doing a whole lot of things and sort of robbed myself of a lot of development. Fast forward to now, and I love a challenge. I love trying to figure something out and I don't worry too much about reaching the goal I'm striving for. Obviously attaining the goal I'm working for is ideal, but honestly I think you learn a lot more through failure than success. That's not to say I don't care about succeeding in things, but I have learned to value the journey since coming to college.

One model that I think is somewhat applicable here is the Business Process Management Life Cycle. Here is a picture of the model:
The take away from that image is that execution is not the last step of the process. After you complete something, whether it's a success or failure, I believe in analyzing the decisions that led up to it. Maybe there were things you could have done a little differently to make the process more efficient. Maybe there wasn't. In any case, by doing some simple self-analysis I think you set yourself up for a higher chance of succeeding in your goals the next time you try.

I really enjoyed the videos. For where I am right now, I find it easy to apply this mindset to things I am passionate about, but find it hard to have motivation for things that I am not passionate about. And that's fine. It's something that I'm trying to work on and I have made some good progress in the last year in that regard.

Image: Source - Business Process Management Life Cycle


  1. I really feel you on the fear of failure thing. Despite some snarky comments about Millenials and Post-Millenials being the “Participation Trophy Generation” I feel like we grew up with more expectations than ever before. It wasn’t good enough to just learn a trade or stay at a company for decades and retire. We saw that system disappearing and we were told you MUST go to college (and never get out of debt) and you MUST make a difference in the world. You MUST follow your bliss and make money at it.
    Then if you fail at that, if you’re not the next big success at the thing you’re passionate’s over. That’s all there is. You’re a failure.
    I’ve learned in recent years I do still want to go for my dreams but that fear of failing will hold me back and keep me in my retail job forever...which incidentally will be seen as “failing” by many people too.


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