Assignments - My Thoughts

I rather like the setup for this class. I'm hoping that I will be able to stick to the course schedule I received. Last semester was so hard to plan my time because my work hours were so fluid week-by-week. It was always 30 hours of work each week, but sometimes I would come in earlier, stay later, skip some days, work some weekends, etc. It was just hard to schedule things around (very much self-inflicted). This semester, I set myself an actual schedule which can change slightly if I really need to stay late or come in early some days.

In any case, I think I'll be able to manage everything much easier. I think for the Storytelling assignment, I may try creating several stories based on the weekly readings and compile all of those like I saw in some of the past storybooks. I am also interested in the extra credit assignments. The "Tech Tips" one caught my attention. I know some HTML, so maybe I could post some helpful hints on how to format aspects of our blog posts that other may find interesting!

Like this horizontal line above this text! This was done by switching from the "Compose" view to the "HTML" view and inserting the following text:  <hr>
I had to add text under that afterwards because there were some weird formatting things that happened after I switched back to "Compose". But I think I'll take advantage of those extra credit assignments. Here is a link to the W3 website. W3 is website that posts helpful links on how to implement HTML tags in web design. Here is a picture of their website:

Image: Source - W3 Website


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