Reading Notes: Twenty Jakatas Tales Part B

The Two Pigs
Two pig brothers were raised by an old woman. After some time, the men of the village got drunk and wanted to eat the pigs. The old woman offered up one of the pigs and that pig got terrified. His brother consoled him and told him that this is what they were born for. The people were moved by the pig's words and the king gave them a lavish lifestyle for the rest of their lives. The end of this story felt very much like Rama being exiled for some reason.

The Patient Buffalo
A monkey tried to annoy a buffalo. The buffalo was unconcerned with the monkey and let him do whatever he wanted. Eventually, a fairy appeared and asked the buffalo why he let the monkey do these things. The buffalo explained that nothing the monkey does is worth getting angry over and that nature did not give him a large brain, so it's not his fault. The fairy sent the monkey away and gave the buffalo a charm that would make it do where no one would mess with him again.

The Sarabha
There was a great deer that lived in a forest. The king wanted to see it, so he rode into the forest to find the deer. Eventually, he did and tried to shoot it with arrows. The deer jumped over a chasm, but the king fell down it. The deer felt bad and went to save the king. The king was moved by the deer's actions and promised to not hurt him nor any animals that live among those trees again.

The Goblin Town
I've read another version of this Jakata before. Sailors crashed on an island where a lot of women lived. The entranced the men and brought them to their village. They were fed well, but eventually, a man found out they were goblins. He then realized that they were all bound by magic chains. He let the other guys know but knew their situation was hopeless. Then a bright light appeared and a flying horse took the ones who wanted to leave away from the island.

The Great Elephant
A large elephant lived alone in a desert. One day, he found a group of men that were close to death. He realized they weren't going to be able to make it to the next town, so he gave his life so that the men would survive. The men made it to the town, but never forgot the elephant's sacrifice.

The Quarrelsome Quails
I've read a different version of this story before. A flock of quails kept getting caught by a net. The king quail told them how to escape the net, but that they should never fight because they have to work together to escape the net. One day, some of the quails start fighting and get caught and killed. The king quail though never did because he heeded his own advice.

The Two Pigs by Noor Inayat
The Patient Buffalo by Noor Inayat
The Sarabha by Noor Inayat
The Goblin Town by Noor Inayat
The Great Elephant by Noor Inayat
The Quarrelsome Quails by Noor Inayat


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