Reading Options

I rather like the stories I've read from the Mahabharata. Here are a few I liked that I could possibly use later in the class:

Tales of Arjuna - Interesting stories.  Several of the stories involve self-immolation. I wonder if that'll be prevalent in a lot of the stories.

Mahabharata: The Great Epic of India - A lot of events happen in this one. For sure could derive several stories from the ones in the comic.

Subhadra: Beloved Sister of Krishna and Balarama - Lots of romance in this one and quite a bit of drama. Could definitely be used to add some more layers to other stories.

Arjuna is a big character in all these stories. His character stood out to me quite a bit for some reason, so I think I'll use him quite a bit. Here's a picture of a statue of him:
Statue of Arjuna: Source


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