Feedback Thoughts

Eight things students should do when they make a mistake

I feel like these two articles go hand-in-hand. Receiving feedback can be a very hard thing to do. I actively avoided putting myself in a situation where I would be negatively critiqued for a long time. I have grown past it to an extent, but I definitely feel stress when receiving it still.

That stress isn't a bad thing though, and the "5 Tips" article lays it out well why that is. If I feel simply feel comfortable when being told I'm doing something wrong, then there isn't any incentive to improve in that area.

The part you have to learn is that it is OK to be uncomfortable and not be perfect in all aspects. Now for when you are feeling down about not being at 100 percent yet, I think the "Eight things" article helps explain what to do pretty well.

When you're feeling down about your abilities (which will happen), it's important to not try to bear the full load of your stress alone. Reaching out to a close friend or significant other when you are stressed helps out so much.

Here's a good picture that sums up what those articles are trying to say:
Motivation: Source


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